When your debts and expenses exceed your income every month, you are in serious financial trouble. Unless something changes, there is no way to maintain the status quo for long. Many people in this situation will liquidate their retirement and other savings plans, skip payments only to lose their cars or homes, and take "payday" loans at dangerously high-interest rates. However, these actions only exacerbate the problem.
If you are facing serious financial problems, do not liquidate your retirement accounts or take out high-interest loans to pay for your monthly debts and expenses. This is a slippery slope that will cause further problems down the road. Talk with a lawyer from our firm as soon as possible. We can help you. 360-423-0242.
Get The Help You Need From An Experienced Longview Chapter 7 Bankruptcy AttorneyAt Kevin R. Vibbert, Attorney at Law, we have been helping clients find debt-relief solutions through Chapter 7 bankruptcy since 1997. We represent clients in Longview, Kelso, Cowlitz County and the surrounding area in Washington. Through our thriving Chapter 7 practice, we can help you:
Chapter 7 bankruptcy generally takes three to four months from time you file your petition until the case is complete. Before you can file, you will need to go through a credit counseling program. This can be done over the Internet and takes less than two hours to complete. Before you meet with your lawyer, you will have to prepare your tax returns, your payroll stubs, debt information and information about your assets.
Once we have your information, we can process the file within a few days. Since everything is done electronically now, we can have your bankruptcy case filed in less than a day in emergency situations.
Do not be afraid to call, even if it is last minute. We can help you. We will help you determine whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a good option for you, and we will be there for you every step of the way.
Contact Kevin R. Vibbert, Attorney At LawTo schedule a consultation with an experienced bankruptcy lawyer, call 360-423-0242 or contact us online. We look forward to helping you.